Compiler Construction

Developing a compiler for a custom language in C


Github Link

Project Description

  • The project involves designing and developing a Compiler for a custom language using C.
  • Design and implementation of the lexical analyzer and parser for the given custom language are done.
  • The project also implements lexical and parsing error detection and parse tree creation for the given custom language.

Role in the 5-member team

  • Implemented efficient data structures like Hash Table, Stack, N-ary Tree, and Set, which were crucial for compiler implementation.
  • Contributed to designing DFA for the lexical analyzer phase of the compiler design. Also contributed to lexical analyzer development.
  • Contributed to designing context-free grammar for the parser phase of the compiler design and developed crucial parser functions.

End Result

  • Learned about the internal functioning of the Compiler.
  • Got experience in implementing a complex system like a Compiler using just basic C constructs.
  • Learned how to cooperate together as a team while working on a big project.